Monday, August 22, 2022

Turnout controls for Carlin

At Battle Mountain I used manual push-pull controls for all of the turnouts, with each having a small panel with a simple track diagram and and bi-color LED showing the status.  The photo below shows what these look like.

At Carlin I had wanted to use the same type of setup but there were just too many turnouts so I made up similar panels but with just the knob and a simple designation for each turnout.  These are spread along the edge of the layout with signals being sent to a central display panel with a track diagram and LED's to show status.  Using the same type knobs help to keep the same look as the controls in Battle Mountain.  

At some locations where a pair of turnout controls are close together double panels were used.


This is the display panel which is in the middle of the Carlin section.  The designations used are E for East 1-5, W for West 1-5, and S for Spur 1-5.  The spur locations have only a single LED which is bi-color with green being aligned and red being diverging just like at Battle Mountain.  The remaining turnouts each have a pair of green LED's to show turnout position.  Turnout W5 was in a place where the manual controls were not practical so it got an MP5 turnout motor and a toggle switch on this panel.


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