Saturday, October 6, 2018

The signal maintainer's van

Lately I have been getting interested in MOW (Maintenance Of Way) vehicles for the layout and was looking at some photos on the Internet for some ideas.

It had not occurred to me that maintenance of way workers would use vans as well as trucks but after seeing this photo of what was described as a signals maintainers vehicle I got an idea.

Several years ago I had decorated some Lineside models cast resin kits of a Ford van to model one I was using as a work vehicle at the time.  They were just plain white so they would only need decals.

I acquired several sets of MoW vehicle decals from

As this is a late 90's era Ford van, I used the UP decals for this one.  With these decals I plan to add more MoW vehicles of various types for the SP, UP, and WP railroads and matching the different eras of the layout.


  1. Can't say if I have ever seen a MOW Van before either, normally they're trucks. Looks good though!

    1. Yes, this will likely be the only van. I am looking into some Showcase Miniatures MoW trucks to build up a few for each railroad and era on the layout.

  2. I built several Showcase miniature MOW trucks and they came out a treat. Joe Warren is a cool guy. He did a petrol station(gas station)as you call them when I first met him and he did a Mobil decal for the large sign for me to go with the kit.

    1. Glad to get the good review on their MoW trucks Rod, thanks.

      I also got the Wally's filling station kit when it first came out. I modified it by making the pump island separate from the building and used 64 decals on it to represent it as a Texaco station. I still have it on a rebuilt Ntrak module.

      Joe sold the company to a couple in Alabama who do a great job and have expanded the line.
