After some quick progress the past couple months on bench work and bridge building things have slowed down a bit on the land forms and rock castings. The canyon walls all the way around to the window have now been covered
with plaster cloth and rock castings are beginning to appear along the
top of the ridge.
Molds are crumpled up aluminum foil. Rocks are set in place while the Hydrocal is still a bit soft. A sheet of styrene is placed behind the hill to protect the sky board. As each one hardens I try to blend it in with the previous one by filling any seams with Hydrocal and some carving.
In between rock castings I made bridge abutments from wood for the 200 ft BLMA bridge. More 3D printed bridge feet have been ordered from Shapeways for the 4 additional Central Valley bridges including the skewed bridge.
Nice progress none the less.
Thanks Rod